Through a rigorous quality policy, Cardiomedex is committed to providing the highest quality and timely deliverables. As well as customers’ satisfaction, the well-being of its employees is a major concern of the Cardiomedex.
We also draw particular attention to ethics including the animal welfare and environmental protection by managing our business in accordance with government regulations and our internal policy.
Cardiomedex’ quality approach guarantees employee compliance with our operational procedures, and traceability. Among our concerns, risk management drives us to constantly implement, review and adapt our practices.
Internal audits enable the maintenance of consistent project quality from start to finish, and data integrity. In this line, we deliver to our clients accurate and reliable results of the highest quality.
Confidentiality and transparency are also an integral part of Cardiomedex’ commitment.
Ethics and Animal Welfare
Cardiomedex has state-of-the-art Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) animal facilities shared with Physiogenex and managed by qualified technicians. Our internal animal well-being training program with emphasis on animal welfare allows to improve continuously our staff’s skills.
All experimental studies conducted by Cardiomedex are fully compliant with Directive 2010/63/EU. We also adhere to the guidelines published by the European Federation of Laboratory Animal Sciences (EFLAS) regarding laboratory animals’ welfare.
Cardiomedex has received official authorizations reviewed by ethics committees and approved by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation to conduct animal experimentation.
Breeding and housing conditions are carefully controlled to minimize animal stress. In accordance with one of the major principles of ethical animal use, we continuously refine their care by applying a policy of environmental enrichment to increase their physical activity, fulfil their psychological needs and ensure their comfort. Moreover, Cardiomedex has taken the initiative to seek new ways of minimizing the use of experimental animals, notably by developing more sensitive methods that require fewer animals per group.
Cardiomedex supports the principle of the three Rs:
- Refine – Eliminate or minimize the impact on animals by reducing potentially painful or invasive procedures, as much as possible.
- Reduce – Use the absolute minimum number of animals necessary in each study to obtain valid results.
- Replace – Always look for alternative, non-animal-based research methods.
Health and Safety
In partnership with dedicated French organizations named Occupational Medical Service, and Retirement, Pension and Occupational Health Funds, Cardiomedex’ employees benefit from optimal and safe working conditions.
The designed facilities and the protective equipment provided enable our team to work safely and effectively. Health and safety issues are repeatedly assessed to keep employees informed about new standards.
Cardiomedex empower its staff by providing procedures and training on prevention and protection systems.
Environmental protection
To minimize the environmental impact, Cardiomedex shares with Physiogenex energy-efficient facilities.
Our chemical and biohazardous waste management is handled by specific procedures and complies with EU regulations. Sorting and production of dangerous waste are closely monitored, and regular training of our employees are provided to ensure conformity of our environmental management policy.